Cats Canines & Small Animals At CAP

Pet AdoptionThe Animal Welfare League of Arlington (AWLA) rescues and shelters all types of animals together with canine and puppies, cats and kittens, bunny rabbits, birds, gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, rats and extra. On this page you will be able to look our database of animals obtainable for adoption.Please be happy to browse the good images and browse the pet bios. Presently we are also unable to do out of state adoptions. Pet adoption is the process of taking duty for a pet that a earlier owner has deserted or launched to a shelter or rescue organization. Supplied with core vaccines acceptable for canines and cats together with rabies, distemper, and higher respiratory viruses.

These animals might have particular illnesses or they might have kennel cough (for canines) or URI (upper respitory infection for cats) and are at the moment being handled in these areas. We additionally soak up livestock animals, … Read the rest